
22th of Dec, snow upon the trees, like the horn of the deer.
聖誕 下雪了
樹枝是這個樣子 我想 麋鹿的角 一定也是在送禮物的時候
看著底下 地面上 滿滿的 樹
於是也就長出來了 變成了 現在的 麋鹿的角!!

it's also necessary to put some normal photo, :P

how pure you are.

cat runs while dog comes
cat back while dog away
ha ha ha



ball ball within lots balls 球球中的球球

cannot find words for you;
cannot keep slient.
mm, maybe it's a secret.

like the fog, like all the level of each colour. like the snows still upon this earth.

snow makes everything beautiful and pure.
even the bus station looks so nice. hehehe......

22th of Dec, 2007. near the Delft station.

Daily pathway. The day after snowing, 22th of Dec, 2007. Delft. Today is a beautiful day.


very very small drawing, made from Nov to Dec, for the isomina.
Two worlds, the boundless & the bounded.

God is holding me. He gives me the love that fits in what i can bear. All friends around, with this beautiful world, let me feel so warm, clear and pure......

Beautiful, with pure feeling.

I am just Lucky.

Lucky to meet you.

When the moon appears, the sadness will be gone. All thanks even I am still a bad person.

the photo is taken on 17th of Dec, when walking back from studio to home. blue sky with moon in Delft.



風很大的時候 下雨淹水 同時煞車壞了的時候
我體會了 賽車手的人生

那麼快的速度 也不能煞車嗎 ? 我覺得賽車手真是太酷了

話說 前幾天 台夫特 大風大雨 路面淹水 而我也沒發現 我的煞車磨光了
就在快要到火車站 的時候 有個 下坡大彎道 我遇到了 賽車手的人生
這個人生 也太酷了 我輪子在水中 滑的不得了 大轉彎 我在最後緊急轉了過去 幾乎貼著牆壁 這是我第一次 騎腳踏車 騎的這麼快 而且無法自拔

哈哈 所以 我想起了 Rossi
賽車 果然是 迷人的
他賊賊的笑容 也是迷人的

photo from: google image, Rossi.