
trip scene, Wien to Delft.

most of time I just looked outside and could be quiet.
Time was passing by; I was passing by.

trip scene, Wien to Delft.

I am a person growed up in the metropolis.
Therefore, I like countryside more than the city......
however, sometimes I missed the smell of the city.

trip scene, Wien to Delft.

While the train was moving......everyting was fluid and floating.
So was I.
melody was sounded from my brain, therefore I sang some nameless one.

trip scene. Wien to Delft.

car became so small and run with me.
someone lives in this world and go forward with me.
strangers never meet together.

trip scene. Wien to Delft.

While I saw the trees.......,
I thought......mm, there are all kind of trees in this world.
all shapes; all facial expressions.

trip scene. Budapest to Wien.

I like power towers.
if i could.......i want to design it.
this animal scattered in the surface, while few hundred years ago.

Double me.
if i still can struggle........i will struggle.

memory is still beautiful.........


it flows.......Therefore, I like travelling. And also I guess I like to live in this world!!

Approaching this earth. 2006.0319. Madrid to Amsterdam.


To my dear dear friend, you may not know I care about you at this moment. I heard of the news from website. I know you must be sad now. I hope I can be beside you. And I will keep praying for you and your family untill the thing gets better. God is beside you.


I'm missing the time we were in Madrid. P.S. I took this picture...but didn't see my camera in the mirrow. haha, strange but nice. 2006, spring. Madrid.

Through the glass. 2006, spring, Madrid.

What did you see, through the glass? I never can make the real world become such blur......
and I don't want to do it as well.
But I live in the other way.......
It's like I always live in my abstract world. I don't really understand this real world.
Birds fly ; airplanes fly as well......
Fish swim; ships swim as well......
People run; cars run as well......

Each rainy day this world becomes so clear and clean. it's the moment I feel we are living in the same world.


trip scene_01, Budapest to Wien, 2005 winter.


trip scene_02, Budapest to Wien, 2005 winter.

trip scene_03, Budapest to Wien, 2005 winter.

trip scene_04, Budapest to Wien, 2005 winter.

trip scene_05, Budapest to Wien, 2005 winter.

If i can get some light....i will feel better i guess


Pierre told Marrian: There are the most four interesting things in our life. The first one- eat and drink. The second, sleeping; lost conscious. The thrid is the game; all about hazard and ocassions. The fourth is the game hiding behind the game. Venice, 2006 summer.